Graphic Design / Art Direction / Production
Restaurants Unlimited, Inc. in Seattle owned 46 restaurants (20 brands) located across the US at the time I was with them. I worked as the only in-house creative from January 2010 through June 2011. The position was incredibly high-output and extremely deadline intensive, spanning brand audits and brand guideline development to urgent production work, and vendor and resource management.
Below, note that the primary restaurant logos are not my work, and the Ultimate Burger Showdown event logo, while used within some of my work, was done by an outside agency.
Below are the interactive, web-based forms I developed via Adobe Acrobat Form Tracker to help stay sane as the one-person in-house creative department creating assets for 46 different restaurants, particularly important during holiday bottlenecks. The restaurant locations (50-something and then later 46) would fill out the forms with their holiday materials needs and creative brief style details, and the data would populate in forms I used for checklists, ordering, production, and vendor management. The transparency also made it easier for other managers to tell which locations were being proactive or slacking. It was still incredibly difficult to turn this much work by myself, but this made it possible.

A coworker developed a library of programs for the restaurants to use for local marketing. I created the corresponding library of materials which were hosted online with a print vendor. This was a mock-up for the instructions sheets for each program.

Below: Full page ad in Mix Magazine for Portland City Grill. Photos by

Below: Front, detail, and back of Seattle Times insert for Maggie Bluffs Marina Grill, June 2011. I was given the concept and developed the content myself. We had just enough time to have a hobby photographer shoot some images of the food, which I edited.

Below: typographic piece I created for a Kincaid's lobby sign.

Below: a yearly Portland event that the Stanford's brand helps sponsor. I created the graphics and picked the color scheme. I also did all production work for vendors. Below see a photo of Stanford's crew wearing the shirts, and one of the giveaways—a fold up frisbee.

Below, a few of the MANY event materials developed for a party hosted by Palomino in Bellevue, WA. For the title of our party I recreated the look of the Sex and the City 2 Movie title from scratch.

Game time special advertising (bus side advertisement and lobby sign) for various Palomino locations. (Seattle Seahawks colors.)

Some of many materials for a fundraiser event held by Palomino Bellevue and Mack Strong's Team Works Academy. Check presenter, event ticket, raffle ticket.

Lockup I designed as a spin on the original Henry's Tavern logo, used to advertise a special-events area of the restaurant. Used for lobby signage, print and web advertising, and collateral.

A tiny sample of hundreds of check presenters I produced.

Flyer and lobby sign for Palomino event.

Special Stanford's menu for a campaign based around a burger contest. (Ultimate Burger Showdown Lockup and Stanford's brand guidelines by outside agency.)