New logo
After a brand audit, including competition and demographic analysis, I began working with the CEO and his top advisor in the UK to redesign the logo. At the time, this would most directly affect their bakery location signage, the product packaging at the bakery, and the social media Facebook and Instagram accounts. But in the works were more bakeries, including global locations and global product offerings. Readability, scalability, and the pronunciation of the company name were all top concerns. (It's pronounced "Mah-day" as opposed to "made". A subtle spacer and an acute accent were used as clues to pronunciation without making Madé himself or other locals in Indonesia feel the name had been foreign-ized or made non standard language for them.)

Brand Guide
Guidelines complete with brand story, from calls and interviews with those involved and scattered history in videos and other materials. These pages are intentionally small to protect content.

Web landing-page redesign
When I jumped in, Madé's had an old page that wasn't user friendly, SEO friendly, or brand or product accurate. I worked with a front end dev to design and prototype this simple site before the UK beta launch of product in 2021. (It's not currently live.)

First round of new packaging.
On the left is the original packaging. This is how the labeling looked on almost all of the bagged flour products when I started working with Madé's. Madé's had been selling dry product off the shelves at the bakery in Bali, but were about to try their first beta launch of product in the UK so needed a major upgrade with a minor budget, yesterday.
On the right is the first round of new packaging. The labels still needed to be small-print-batch, self-applied sticker-labels, on the same kind of bags. I art directed new photography remotely, rewrote the copy on the front and back with the help of the CEO, integrated the new branding, and brought the nutrition facts up to UK standards for the beta launch.


First round of new packaging.
Packaging for B2B offering
I also designed quick, low budget packaging labels (under the same constraints as above) for the co-brand FLOUR TO THE PEOPLE for their B2B sale of packaged flour. This batch went directly to a baking products business in the UK.

*Note on packaging: final packaging styles have been explored but designs will not be posted until released.
Business Cards

Swag and Collateral
Explorations for future needs, and van designs for the UK launch for both Madé's Banana Flour Co and FLOUR TO THE PEOPLE

Press Kit / Media Kit